Not only do breasts come in many different sizes, but breast shapes also varies considerably among the female population. Though some women are fortunate enough to have round, perky and symmetrical breasts, many others can benefit from enhancing the natural shape of their breasts in order to achieve an ideal figure. Whether your breasts are pointy, flat, droopy or any other shape that you dislike, you can take advantage of the breast enhancement procedures and supplements that are commonly available to modern women.

What Are the Different Breast Shapes?

The basic shapes of women’s breasts can be categorized in the following ways:

  • Droopy breasts with little volume are characterized by downward-pointing nipples and a minimal amount of fatty tissue. This condition often occurs in small-breasted women who have gone through pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Droopy breasts with volume also feature nipples that point downward but have a good amount of fatty tissue that collects at the bottom of the breasts. This is common in large-breasted women who have been pregnant and have breastfed.
  • Swooping breasts are characterized by a “slope” that extends downward and outward from the upper breasts to the areolas. As a result, the upper breasts look disproportionate to the lower breasts.
  • Tuberous breasts are identifiable by a flat upper chest and small breasts that protrude outward at mid-chest level. Named for their tubular shape, these breasts may droop as well.
  • Small breasts are characterized by minor nipple and areola protrusion and a limited amount of fatty tissue. The nipples point outward in a typical position.
  • Round breasts are the ideal shape and are characterized by outward-pointing nipples and a healthy, evenly-distributed amount of breast tissue.

How To Figure Out Your Breast Shape

You can easily figure out your breast shape by printing out an illustrated chart that depicts the various shapes, standing in front of the mirror with your breasts exposed and examining your breasts from both the front and the sides. Compare your observations to the pictures on the chart in order to determine which shape best describes that of your breasts. If you are still unsure of your exact breast shape but know that you would like to see an improvement, then you might want to explore some options in regard to enhancing your breasts.

How To Increase Breast Size

Increasing your breast size does not have to be a difficult process – a number of non-invasive enhancement products are available for purchase in stores and online. You can choose to take herbs such as wild yam root, dandelion root, fenugreek seed extract and saw palmetto for the purpose of enlarging your breasts naturally.

Other non-invasive options include breast massages, breast exercises and the Brava vacuum pressure system. If you are eager to see results in a brief amount of time, then you may wish to try a breast enhancement cream, gel or pill-based formula. These products are infused with a combination of herbs and natural hormones that safely and effectively improve your breast size and shape.

Surgical options for enhancing your breasts are also available, but these do carry the risk of side effects and health issues. Talk to a board-certified plastic surgeon if you are interested in silicone breast implants, saline breast implants, gummy bear implants or Macrolane injections.

If you would like to achieve a desirable breast shape and size with no risk of health complications, then we suggest that you use one of the highly-recommended breast enhancement supplements on the market. We’ve assembled a chart with reliable information on the effectiveness of various breast enhancement product reviews.