The Brava Breast Enhancement and Shaping System uses vacuum pressure to create sustained tension to enlarge a woman’s breasts. The theory behind the Brava system is that placing tissues under sustained tension taps into the body’s natural growth and healing mechanisms to stimulate an increase in tissue. This phenomenon is known as tissue expansion and is frequently employed as part of reconstructive surgery. The manufacturer advisers that users wear the device for at least 10 hours a day over the course of 10-14 weeks to produce the desired effects. Many women wear the device overnight, as it is difficult to use Brava discreetly. This required regimen means that users can expect a slower rate of breast enhancement than with other breast enhancing methods.

Does Brava Breast Enhancement Work?

Tissue expansion is a safe, commonly used technique employed by plastic and restorative surgeons to produce extra tissue through controlled, mechanical overstretching. This creates skin that matches the color, texture, and thickness of the surrounding skin while minimizing scarring and risks for rejection, which is usually associated with invasive or surgical breast enhancement procedures. Tissue expansion is typically used for breast reconstruction, since it involves the use of a temporary tissue expander to stretch the muscles and skin of a woman’s breasts.

What Are The Benefits Of The Brava System?

The Brava Breast Enhancement System claims to have zero risk of medical complications, unlike breast enhancement surgery, which is invasive and could lead to serious complications. Brava claims to have almost no side effects, since the device uses gentle tension to create gradual gains; damage to the breast tissue is also reduced through the on-again, off-again time timetable suggested by the manufacturer. The official product website claims that women who use the Brava Breast Enhancement and Shaping System can experience increases ranging from half a cup size to two full cup sizes.

What Are The Drawbacks Of Using Brava For Breast Enlargement?

Like all things in life, the Brava Breast Enhancement System has drawbacks. One disadvantage is the cost, with the basic Brava System running about $2,500 per unit. In terms of the system’s timeframe, it must be worn approximately 10 hours a day for a minimum of 10 weeks for you to see results. The manufacturer states that this is the bare minimum usage required to stimulate an average growth of 100 cubic centimeters per breast. That’s only half of a cup size. In order to see more significant results, the device must be used more frequently and for longer durations. Simply put, the Brava Breast Enhancement and Shaping System is not designed for women who want significant breast enhancement in a short period of time.

In addition, the Brava System can cause a certain amount of discomfort since the device applies a strong vacuum effect to the breasts in order to perform the mechanical overstretching necessary for tissue expansion. This can result in an uncomfortable sensation for some women.

Lastly, since the device acts like a mold for the desired breast size, wearing the device can create an unsightly bulge under clothing. While some ladies desire the extra bulk for a more immediate improvement, the obvious presence of the expander may lead many women to consider additional, less conspicuous options for breast enlargement.

Are There Better Options?

If you are looking for safe, natural breast enhancement but do not want to devote the time, effort and expense required by the Brava Breast Enhancement and Shaping System, there are herbal breast enhancement treatments. We’ve made your life a bit easier by reviewing and ranking the top natural breast enhancement pills and creams on today’s market. Read our product reviews to see who ranked #1!